Student Travel Grants

With support from ACM SIGCOMM, we are pleased to announce that we will be making a limited number of travel grants to students to attend HotNets 2022. Applicants to this grant must be students at the time of physically attending HotNets 2022 to qualify. We strongly prefer non-author students as the participation costs for a presenting author should be covered by their home institution. Students from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

The application deadline is Oct 10th, 2022 (AoE). Applicants will be notified of the decision no later than Oct 12th, 2022.

An application for a travel award will consist of the student's CV, a statement from the student, and a letter from the student's advisor.

The following information should be submitted in a single PDF file:
  • A CV with complete contact information and email address.
  • The student's statement that includes:
    1. A brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date.
    2. Why attendance at the workshop is important to this student.
    3. Estimated expenses for attending the conference (total and breakdown by conference registration, travel, and lodging).
  • A supporting letter from the student's advisor stating:
    1. The advisor's view on the suitability of the HotNets program material to the student's research area.
    2. Confirmation that the applicant is in good standing at the institution.
    3. How attending HotNets will benefit the student’s research progress.
    4. The advisor's opinion about the strengths and potential contributions of the student.

Applications that do not include the above items will not be considered. The expectation is that a student travel grant will significantly offset the expenses though it may not fully cover these expenses. The amount will depend on the applicant’s estimated expenses, our budget, and the number of applications.

What the Grant Covers

Each grant has a maximum amount to be reimbursed. The amount is intended to cover the student's travel (economy airfare), lodging, and registration fee for HotNets. It is the student's responsibility for expenses in excess of the grant amount. ACM HotNets will only reimburse up to the approved amount.

Welcome to the HotNets 2022 Travel Grants submissions site. For general information, see


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.